1959 Class Roster
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web pages designed and maintained 
by  John "Eddie" Lee class of '68
The pictures are as represented in the Woodrow Wilson High School, Portsmouth, Virginia yearbook or annual of the year indicated on the page.  The Memory pictures may not be complete and pictures and names may have been removed by request of the person involved. Also, it does not offically indicate the year of graduation and/or that the party in question graduated. This section of the website is dedicated to the memories of all alumni and are found in personal items that alumni have saved and were kind enough to allow it to be shared with others.  Thank You. If you are not represented in your class, or have other pictures for the memories section you may submit a photo to be added.  John “Eddie” Lee ’68.

1959 Sports Pic's
Woodrow Wilson
High School
Portsmouth, Virginia
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Mr. Robert W. Allen
Mr. Walter T. H. Gilliford
Mr. Allen and Patron
Mrs. Margaret Clayton -- Head Clerk,
Mr. Galliford
Mrs. William B. Spong
Mr. A. J. Mapp
Mr. Fred Gilbert Benham
Washington & Lee University
Mrs. Mary Jo Brady
Indiana University
Mrs. Barclay H. Carroll
University of Virginia
Miss Margaret Hinton
Mrs. Patricia T. Jackson
Logwood College
Mrs. Mildred L. Johnson
      William and Mary
Mr. Andrew E. Landis
 Oberlin College
Miss Louise Mays
   Meredith  College
Mrs. Anne Stewart
U. of Maryland, Longwood
Miss Avis Shumaker
      William and Mary
Mrs. Mildred Newcome
    Department Head
West Virginia University
Mrs. Newcome
Mrs. Stewart shows Johnny's progress.

Mirs. Grace Virginia Rawls
 Longwood, R.P.I.
Miss Ames

Mr. Patrick Riley
      William and Mary
Miss Shumaker, Miss Jackson seem pleased.

Miss Ames

Mrs. Margaret Sykes
Flora McDonald College
Mr. Landis speaks

Miss Mays explains.

Miss Barbara Bidgood
  Madison College
Mrs. M. Gage Bromfield
Columbia University
Miss Elizabeth Culpepper
Randolph Macon
Mrs. Dorothy Darden
Mary Washington College
Miss Mary Franes Rice
Logwood College
Mrs. Irene A, Stephens
Madison College
Mr. J. T. Underwood
William and Mary
Mrs. Anne White
William and Mary
Mr. Ernest L. Etherbridge
University of Virginia
Mrs. Barbara Oliver
William and Mary
Mr. Gary Rosecrans
University of Wichita
Mrs. Carrie Newsome Spradlin
Columbia, U. of VA, U.N.C.
Miss Katherine Timberlake
Logwood College
Mrs. Gertrude Waldron
U. of Richmond
Miss Lois T. Williams
Logwood College
Miss Eleanor Dashiell
    Department Head
Longwood, Columbia
Mr. Underwood. and friend.

Mrs. Norris, better known to us as Miss.Bidgood.

Miss Marjorie Codd
    Department Head
     Longwood College
Miss Codd in familiar pose.

Miss Spradlin speaks.
D.O. -- D.E.
Mrs. Beatrice Fordham
    Department Head
Mary Washington College
Miss Ruth Lee
    Department Head
         Indiana University
Miss Armstrong calling the roll.

Mrs. Olivia Thompson Hinton

Miss Gary knows how, too.

Mrs. Gertrude Foster Anderson
Radford, V.P.I.
Miss Sally S. Armstrong
Limestone College
Mr. Warren I. Early, Jr.
Madison College
Mrs. Annie Laurie Edwards
Women's College, U,N.C.
Miss Carolyn Gray
Logwood College
Mr. Sammuel Wayne Dake
University of Virginia
Mr. Louis Kinum
Miss Charlotte Avery
Longwood College
Miss Charlotte Anne Hall
Longwood College
Miss Barbara Shafer
Madison College
Miss Geraldine Swindell
East Carolina Teachers College
Miss Swimdelll writing in shorthand

Miss Hall has a good laugh.

Mr. Kinum.

Mr. Jack Ryder
University of Virginia
D.O. -- D.E.
ART                 LIBRARY
Office Clerks
Library            Cafeteria
Mr. Ernest A. Wild
    Athletic Director
          Adrian College
Mr. John Dragseth
    Director Vocational Ed.
The Stout Institute
Miss Judie Brennan
University of Kentucky
Miss Sylvia Britt
East Carolina College
Mrs. Phyllis F. Byrd
Department Head - Girls
Logwood College
Mrs. Kathryn Mounie
Winthrop College
Mr. Carlos "Pete" Mills
Applschian State Teachers
Mr. Jack R. Mounie, Jr.
Duke University
Mr. James Serrill
Erskine College
Applschian College
Mr. William Strawn
Western Kentucky
Mr. John B. Ackley
Vocal Music
Cincinnati Cons. of Music
Mr. Paul Brown
New England Cons. of Music
Mr. Michael N. Laguta
New England Cons. of Music
Mrs. W, W. Morse, Jr.
Sanish, English
Miss Helen Brent
William and Mary
Miss Emily Dashiell
Latin, English
Miss Audrey Vincent
Latin, English
Mrs. Byrd holding up a float.

Mir. Mills helps school spirit.

Mr. Ackley
Mr. Brown
Miss Woodhouse
Mrss Mabry
Miss Pat Mabry
Madison, Radford
Miss Georgiana Woodhouse
Mary Washington College
Mr. Jack R. Mounie, Jr.
Duke University
Mr. David E. Wheeler
East Carolina College
Mr. E.E. Martin
Cabinet Making
Buffalo State Teachers College
Mr. Harry W. White
Electric Shop
William and Mary
Miss Sylvia Britt
East Carolina Colllege
Miss Sylvia Britt
East Carolina Colllege
Miss Dorothy Diehl
Longwood College
Miss Eleanor Ritchie
Madison College
Mrs. Elizabeth Ames Blandford
Madison College
U. of Tennessee
Mrs. Emily Curlee
Catawba College
Mr. W. L. Carter, Jr.
Asst. Engineer
Mr. W. L. Carter
Mrs. Mary Lou Berry
   Library Clerk
Mrs. Estelle Sawyer
Mrs. Marjorie Alberti
     Office Clerk
Mrs. Clayton
Mrs. Afberti
Mrs. Jane S. Snyder, R.N.
King Daughter's Hospital
Mrs. Margaret Clayton
     Office Clerk
Mrs. Ruth Hodaden
     Office Clerk
Mrs. Nell Whaley
     Office Clerk