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web pages designed and maintained 
by  John "Eddie" Lee class of '68
The pictures are as represented in the Woodrow Wilson High School, Portsmouth, Virginia yearbook or annual of the year indicated on the page.  The Memory pictures may not be complete and pictures and names may have been removed by request of the person involved. Also, it does not offically indicate the year of graduation and/or that the party in question graduated. This section of the website is dedicated to the memories of all alumni and are found in personal items that alumni have saved and were kind enough to allow it to be shared with others.  Thank You. If you are not represented in your class, or have other pictures for the memories section you may submit a photo to be added.  John “Eddie” Lee ’68.

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Woodrow Wilson
High School
Portsmouth, Virginia
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Mem 1Mem 2Mem 3Mem 4

Mem 1Mem 2Mem 3Mem 4

Charles Van Fatten 
Willard Humphlett
Raymond Tuttle
William Ware 
John Ball
Martha MacKenzie
Armistead, Claud
Alljbrook, Alton
Ball, John
Blanchard, Deale
Buxton, Herbert
Brangan, Marvin
Brown, Charles
Brownley, Daughtrey
Carr, Jerome
Cross, Robert
Dashiell, Shirley
Davis, William L. 
Eve, Lindsay
Garris, Edward
Glisson, Edward
Hanburv, Hodges
Hargroves, Willis 
Humphlett, Willard
Jernigan, Curtis 
Johnson, Colli
King, Markley
Lawrence, Frank D. 
Matthew, Tyler
McClosky, Dunford
Moffat, James 
Morse, Alfred
Morse, George Wray
Mero, Robert
Owens, Edwin
Pearson, Charles
Powell, Parker
Powell, Furl
Parker, Millard
Parrish, Linwood
Perrett, William
Rountree, Thomas
Renn, Richard
Renn, William
Richardson, Granger
Rising, James
Seaborn, Kenneth
Syer, Crawford
Saunders, John
Sherwood, C. S. Ill 
Sadler, James
Tyler, Willoughby
Todd, James
Talbert, Edward
Thompson, James
Tuttle, Raymond
Vick, David
Van Dyke, Thornton
Vaughan, Richard
Van Patten, Charles
Ware, William
Walker, George
Westbrook, Holton
Wilder, Maurice
Woodroof, Harvey
Williamson, Din
Wimberly, Jefferson
Raymond Tuttle 
Bessie Lynch 
Dorothy Mathews
C. S. Sherwood
Margaret Jack 
Miss Mary Brittingham
Primus Consul 
Secundus Consul
Boys' Quaestor
Girls' Quaestor
Motto: “Ad Astra Per Aspera.”                        Colors: Purple and Gold.
Ames, Lettie 
Bourke, Lucy
Crockin', Davida
Cutherell, Mertie
Foster, Alma
Goodman, Helen
Gregg, Norman
Griffin, Edith
Gulley, Louise 
Hart, Ralph
Howard, Edwin
Hutchins, Charlotte
Jack, Margaret
Jones, Reverdy
Kay, Edna
Katz, Bennie
Kneeburg, Edith
 Kneeburg, Evelyn
Lee, Martha Gills
Levitin, Helen
Lynch, Bessie 
Lynch, Melissa
MacKenzie, Clara
Major, Doris 
Mathews, Dorothy
Miller, Jane
Nash, Elizabeth
Newton, Mildred
Parker, Vivian
Quayle, Marjorie
Renn, William
Savage, S. A. 
Schofield, Frances
Schnitzer, Samuel
Sherwood, C. S. Ill 
Sivils, Alma Lee
Tuttle, Raymond
Waller, Ruth
Warren, Cynthia
Williams, Courtney
Woodhouse, Grace Virginia
Wright, Annie Lee 
Yarborough, Virginia
Mrs. Beverly Cobb
Miss E. Virginia Griffith
Miss Hildegarde Barton 
Miss Madge Winslow
Miss Belle Bain
Dr. Thomas Fitzhugh
Miss Louise Mays
Miss Katherine Woodward
Mr. S. R. Brittingham
Joseph Bowen
Catherine Markham
Inez Cuthriell 
Mike Miley
Martha MacKenzie
Senorita Katherine B. Woodward .

Facultad Consultora
Andrews, Alice
Bailey, Elizabeth
Brittain, Elsie 
Bunting, Alona
Bord, Annie Mae
Busby, Emily
Brown, Mabi.e 
Booth, James
Ball, John
Barney, Jacob
Brittain, Mary Louise 
Creecy, Emma
Culpepper, Virginia
Credle, Hazel
Cuthriell, Inez 
Cragin, Joseph
DeBerry, Nancy
Goodman, Ella 
Goodman, Sarah
Goodwin, Margaret
Gordan, Maurice
Hoffler, Alice 
Hodges, Amelia
Howard, Edwin
Ireland, Jennie Lee
Jacobson, Maybelle
Jacobs, Edna
Jordan, Marsden
Jernigan, James
Jernigan, Curtis
Jones, Talton
Kay, Edna
Liebrecht, Ina 
Lacy, Clifford
Levin, Abe
Markham, Catherine
Mount, Anna
Martin, Margaret
Maupin, Elizabeth
 MacKenzie, Martha
Martignetta, Mike
Moncrief, John
Miley, Mike
Morse, Alfred
Newton, Bessie 
Overman, Robert
Owens, George
Parker, Millard
Partin, Stanley
Patterson, Elsie 
Pendergraph, Julia
Pope, Arthur
Robertson, Evelyn
Refshefsky, Anna
Stublen, Elsie
Shuman, Burnett
Sawyer, Amelia
Shaughnessy, Mildred
Shuman, Ereda
Spalding, Juanita
Story, Kate
Sherwood, C. S. 
Thomas, Sue
Tallman, Muriel
Tallman, Myrtle
Todd, Jimmie 
Williams, Pearl
Weiss, Miriam
Wilkins, Florence
Wilkinson, Linwood 
Ware, William
Warren, Annie
Sr. J. Leon Codd
Sr. R. L. Sweeney
Srta. Daphne Gilliam
Srta. Mary B. Brittingham

   DURING the past session the Spanish Club has profited by some very good programs, the most noteworthy being two talks given by Miss Daphne Gilliam —one on Cuba and the island’s customs; the other on Spanish music, especially stressing the political chants and street songs, showing how closely related they are to political development.

   “La Noche Buena En Mejico” or “Christmas Eve in Mexico,’’ was presented by the following members of the club: Inez Cuthriell, Martha MacKenzie, Julia Pendergraph, Emily Busby, Catherine Markham, John Ball, Millard Parker, Jimmy Todd, William Smith and Edward Ball. The playlet was both interesting and instructive, as it depicted a custom used in Mexico and other Spanish speaking countries.

   “Senorita,” starring Bebe Daniels, was shown in the High School Auditorium under the auspices of the club. The picture was most enthusiastically received, due to its excellent characterization of Spanish life.