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by  John "Eddie" Lee class of '68
The pictures are as represented in the Woodrow Wilson High School, Portsmouth, Virginia yearbook or annual of the year indicated on the page.  The Memory pictures may not be complete and pictures and names may have been removed by request of the person involved. Also, it does not offically indicate the year of graduation and/or that the party in question graduated. This section of the website is dedicated to the memories of all alumni and are found in personal items that alumni have saved and were kind enough to allow it to be shared with others.  Thank You. If you are not represented in your class, or have other pictures for the memories section you may submit a photo to be added.  John “Eddie” Lee ’68.

Woodrow Wilson
High School
Portsmouth, Virginia
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Track & Field Pic
Track & Field Pic
Sport 1Sport 2

CASEY, Pitcher
  "Gus," our own football idol, has also won our admiration in baseball.  He towsesthe ball over the plate with a skill fatal to the opposing teams.
MOFFETT, Manager
  James has been a very competent manager, arranging a very successful and interesting schedule of games.
GARNER, Third Base
  "Charlie," on third base, proved to be the "fly in the ointment" to many a runner rounding third into the dash for home plate.  He is also promising material for a tip-top team for next year.
BUNTING, Catcher
  "Bunting behind the bat" has proved a "Johnny-on-th-spot" in holding down the home plate.  He lives up to the part of putting the opposing team down and out.
COBB, First Base
  Maybe it's in the name, for our Cobb certainly proving Ty's.  He believes in stopping them at his corner before they have a chance to get any further.
PERRITT, Center Field
  "Bill" has proved invaluable in center field.  He is also one of Wilson's coming Babe Ruths.  We can always depend on "Bill."
AUSTIN, Left Field
  Austin, with his flashy fielding and his ability to stop that ball, has held down his left field in true Wilsonite manner.
RUSSELL, Right Field
   Russell, whom we thought one of Wilson's young hopefuls, has proved one of our young depend-     ables.  He holds down his right field admirably.
WILLIAMS, Second Base
   In case they slip past first base, you can depend on "Weenie" to stop them at second.  When he hits the ball, don't waste your time hunting for it.
POWELL, Second Base
Parker, as sub for "Weenie", also stops them at second.  This season has just been another successful one for him and the Varsity.
  "Hick", an old veteran between second and third base, showed unusual ability in that line and also exceptional leadership as Captain of the Wilson nine.  He has won the admiration of all his team and his fans.
  Sam is a new addition to the squad, and although keeping strict training, hasn't placed in the meets.  We're looking forward to the next as a bright year for you, Sam.
Due to Robert, convenient dates were set for our track meets.  We readily say that Robert contributed his part in upholding the morale of the squad.
  Clinton, a rookie on last year's team, continued the good work and came out the fastest on the squad instead of, as last year, one of the fastest.
  "Ham," due to an injured wrist, was unable to show the inner stuff at the Tidewater Meet in Williamsburg.  Otherwise we can count on him to bring home the bacon in the high jump and pole-vault.
  The squad leaves it to Frank to share honors in the shot-put, and expecting several points, they get them, too, didn't they "Weenie"?
  Charlie picked out honorable mention with the javelin at William and Mary, May 19.  We're looking forward to next year with you as a high point man, Charlie,
  Here's to you Fred, a rookie, but a winner running the mile.  We like to see a rookie make good because we know he'll be a high scorer the following year.
  Peebles, though seldom placing, always gives the winner a close chase for the tape.  Peebles is a strict trainer and steady upholder of the team's morale.
  Albert pushed Varsity to their greatest ability to outdo his average in running the half-mile, even though he never placed in the meets.  Albert is a newcomer this year but next---well---we expect him to cop the honors.
  Robert's steadfastness and understanding help him along in running the mile.  He gives the winner a hard push for the tape.  Don't you, "Babe"?
  Although this is Thomson's first year on Varsity, he showed wonderful spirit and training.  Best of luck to a coming athlete.
  Garner, the pace-maker for Wilson's half-mile, really puts the goods over for the Orange and Blue.  Though a natural gift of running legs he has helped put the track team where it is.
  Three cheers for Alfred, Wilson's big man---our pole vaulter, broad-jumper, and javelin thrower.  We depend on Alfred for a great deal and give the credit to him for giving the first mile-stone of the Wilson Harriers.
Sponsors of Sports
   Alton's position as Manager of Boy's Intramural Spots has made him the Coach's aide.
   It was cheerful to cheer with such leaders this year!  Leslie Werner, as leader, was ably assisted by Granger Richardson, Rosemund Curling, and Cynthia Owens.  They were well trained and added largely to the spirit of the big games.
   Although Wilson does not promote inter-school games for girl's teams, the girls take a most active interest in their inter-class games.  This is due largely to Miss White, director of physical education for girls, whose own athletic skill and enthusiasm have been an example and inspiration to the girls.
   THE SENIORS feel a special interest in Coach Kibler because he entered the faculty in 1925 and has been at Wilson with them for four years.  He has produced championship teams in all the sports which he has coached---football, basketball, and baseball.  His work has been notable not only for this, however, but for his ideals of good sportsmanship which he has taught to the student body as well as his teams.  "Coach" is popular with students and faculty alike because he exemplifies the excellent athlete who is at the same time a cultured gentleman. 
   Coach Wilde, who has also been at Wilson four years, spends part of his time teaching in grammar schools in the city, but he has made himself indispensable to the athletic life at Wilson.  He has heartily co-operated with Coach Kibler, and, particularly in the football season, have the results of his efforts been seen.  Track is Coach Wilde's specialty.  The heightened interest in this sport is evidenced by the large number of boys who under his direction have trained for the meets.
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