Woodrow Wilson
High School
Portsmouth, Virginia
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1992 Class Roster
1992 Sports
1992 Class Roster
Class Roster
All the pages in this section of the website may take tme to load as it is made up of pictures and graphics.   Every effort has been made to make them as small and fast loading as possible.
1992 Memories
Sandy Palmer
Edward Pickoff
Lene Putterman
Nina Ratcliffe
Mrs. Nina Voldveno

Mrs. Riderour and Mrs. Myers enjoy the pep rally.
Gretchen Ranch
Linda Riddick
Ron Shepard
Gale Silvasi
Joe Simmons
Carolyn Smith
Gina Smith
Ted Smith
Mrs. Spencer & Mrs. Ranch met another

Chill, Mr. Thompson

Ms Richardson, Ms Gonder & Mrs. Skinner
Loretta Saula
Renee Spencer
Nettie Stephenson
Judith Temple
Angela Tucker
Kenneth Walker
Anna Wall
Ella Ward
Daphne Waring-Sorrell
David Warren
Carci Waters
Kathern Webb
Mr. Nage and Mr. Shepard
Mrs. Wall and Mrs. Temple
Man the hall.
Helen Williams
Donald Wilson
In Remembrance
Jeanette Wilkerson
February 17, 1948 - June 9, 1991
See no evil, speak no evil, hear no evil.

Mrs. Ward
Mrs. Brown and Mrs. Allen Johnson are always willing to puase for a picture.
Mrs. McEachann says, "Sayonara."
Coach Ladisc detains a chargined student.

Mr. Pickett is trying to convince Mrs Waring-Sorrell that she loves having her picture taken.

Mrs. Frankie Jones shows what it
takes to be a great school nurse.
Mrs. Raganson
Office Manager,
 and Mrs. Buckley,
Barbara Allen
Virginia Babbitt
Cheryl Ferguson
Melvin Ferguson
Angelina Harrison
Donna Loules
Pamela Pottenbarger
Selease Richardson
Richard Symes
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Any corrections or omissions please submit them by E-Mail
web pages designed and maintained 
by  John "Eddie" Lee class of '68
The pictures are as represented in the Woodrow Wilson High School, Portsmouth, Virginia yearbook or annual of the year indicated on the page.  The Memory pictures may not be complete and pictures and names may have been removed by request of the person involved. Also, it does not offically indicate the year of graduation and/or that the party in question graduated. This section of the website is dedicated to the memories of all alumni and are found in personal items that alumni have saved and were kind enough to allow it to be shared with others.  Thank You. If you are not represented in your class, or have other pictures for the memories section you may submit a photo to be added.  John “Eddie” Lee ’68.

Cafeteria Staff
Ellis, Millie Bazemore (Manager), Evelyn Edwards, Jackie Lawrence, Shirley Polard, 
Jerema Huff, Viola Murphy, Waverly Bradby
Billy Isaac, Marino Hardy, Roy Smith, Pauline White
Glenda Ricks, Martha Lea, Gladys Scott, Minne Anderson, Cara Haley, Doris Bishop, Diane Simmons, Linda Elliott
Mary Lawrence 
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